Employee Benefits Updates provided by Parker, Smith & Feek

The Role of HR in Compliance

In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, organizations face increasing rules and regulations that govern operations. Failure to comply with these standards can lead to severe legal, financial, and reputational consequences. Thankfully, organizations can avoid costly fines and penalties, protect their employees, and maintain a positive reputation by staying compliant. But what is HR compliance?

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Understanding Medical Trend and the Impact on Employer Health Plan Renewal Rates

Currently, healthcare costs in the United States are high and rising, outpacing inflation and wage increases. While many employers had relatively lower claim costs during the COVID-19 pandemic, medical plan costs are approaching pre-pandemic levels as healthcare utilization rebounds. Other factors like inflation, specialty and novel prescription drugs, new medical technology, catastrophic claims, and consolidation among hospitals and providers have contributed to healthcare cost increases.

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Navigating the New Normal of Talent Shortages

As talent shortages persist across industries, an increasing number of employers are grappling with the need to adapt to the “new normal” to address this challenge effectively.

HR departments are encountering a significant shift in which they find themselves dealing with an inadequate number of
candidates or insufficient resources (e.g., budget and staffing) to meet the high demand for candidates. In certain scenarios, these professionals are facing both issues at the same time.

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Workplace Flexibility Means More than WFH

In today’s post-pandemic, work-from-home business landscape, workplace flexibility has emerged as a crucial factor in attracting and retaining top talent. Workers want flexibility, but employers are often gun-shy to give it.

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How HR Can Bridge Healthcare Disparities

In today’s rapidly changing work landscape, employers play a crucial role in ensuring the health and well-being of their employees. However, access to quality healthcare and equitable benefits remains a significant challenge. Addressing health equity gaps and improving the overall employee experience requires a proactive approach.

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ChatGPT’s Top 5 Trends Impacting Employee Benefits: Mental Health (Part 1 of 5)

We asked ChatGPT to identify five important trends that will impact employee benefits in the United States over the next ten years, and the results reflected many of the strategies that clients discuss with us daily. In this five-part series, we will discuss each of these trends and how our consulting teams work with HR leaders and executives to address each of them.

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Eliminating Age Bias in the Workplace

Individuals are living longer than previous generations, and, as a result, they’re delaying retirement and continuing to work to support themselves. This change in workforce demographics is leading to increased reported instances of age discrimination in the workplace. Age discrimination occurs when older applicants or employees are treated less favorably because of their age. This can include older workers being terminated or denied employment opportunities, such as job offers or promotions, due to their age.

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Identifying Gaps in Your Employee Benefits Offerings

In today’s competitive employment landscape, many organizations recognize that employees are their most valuable asset. To attract and retain top talent, employers must go beyond competitive salaries and create holistic and meaningful employee benefits packages that address diverse workforce needs.

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Weighing the Decision of Switching to a Self-Funded Plan

As healthcare costs continue to rise, many employers are searching for ways to control costs while keeping benefits affordable and attractive to employees. For some employers, self-funded plans can be an effective strategy for lowering healthcare costs. Many employers have adopted these plans in recent years. According to a 2020 Kaiser Family Foundation Employer Health Benefits Survey, 67% of employees who receive employer-sponsored health coverage obtain it from self-funded health plans, representing a 23% increase since 1999.

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What You Should Know About Biosimilars

Rapidly increasing healthcare costs will likely continue to impact employers in the foreseeable future. As a result, many employers are considering strategies to manage healthcare costs and explore prescription drug trends. The introduction of biosimilar drugs as an alternative to biologics may bring value to healthcare by offering cost savings and increasing employee access to necessary medications. While biosimilars can potentially combat rising prescription drug costs, employers will need to learn more about them before considering how their health plans can accommodate these newer drugs.

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Parker, Smith & Feek is and independent, employee owned, full service insurance broker offering employee benefits, commercial and personal insurance, and surety solutions. Our Employee Benefits Department has been helping clients create and administer valuable benefits programs since 1975.

Visit Parker, Smith & Feek's website to learn more about our services.