Employee Benefits Updates provided by Parker, Smith & Feek

What Employers Need to Know About the Non-Compete Ban

The FTC’s recent ruling banning non-compete agreements aims to promote employee mobility and entrepreneurship. While this rule may encounter legal challenges, it’s important for employers and HR professionals to understand its potential implications.

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Preventing Turnover in the Workplace

Almost 7 out of 10 employees in the U.S. quit their jobs by choice. To keep your team happy and avoid high turnover, it’s crucial to understand their reasons for leaving. Follow these best practices to boost employee satisfaction and loyalty.

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The Mental Health Advantages of a Four-Day Workweek

As employee mental health becomes an increasingly important priority, the four-day workweek has gained significant traction. A compressed workweek can have a positive impact on both the physical and mental well-being of employees. However, this approach may not suit all industries. Here’s what to consider:

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HIPAA Breach Notifications: Group Health Plans

In 2024 alone, it’s estimated that over 2,200 cyberattacks occur each day worldwide. When a data breach involving protected health information (PHI) occurs related to an employer’s group health plan, strict HIPAA breach notification rules must be followed. Here are the key points to know:

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7 Key Employee Benefits Trends in 2024

With inflation and healthcare costs on the rise, employees are looking more than ever at the benefits companies offer. Knowing the top trends in benefits this year can help you attract top talent and stand out from the competition.

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Health Care Costs and Your Employee Health Plan

As healthcare costs continue to increase at exceptionally high rates year over year, it’s critical to understand the complexities of healthcare cost management and its implications for employee benefits. Learn more in our latest article.

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Understanding Benefits & Tax Implications for Company Owners

Extending benefits to company owners and directors? Important tax considerations apply. Learn more from our experts to ensure compliance.

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How Employers Can Help Employees Prepare for Retirement

Over half of employees say finances are the leading cause of stress in their lives. By offering personalized guidance and retirement resources, companies can empower their workforce and build a culture of financial well-being.

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Clear Message, Engaged Employees

Effective communication is critical for a positive and productive work environment, yet only 7% of U.S. workers feel they receive accurate, timely, and transparent information.

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Considerations for Evaluating a PBM

Pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) negotiate bulk discounts with drug manufacturers and wholesalers, potentially reducing prescription drug spending for employers and keeping premiums lower for employees. Here’s what to consider when evaluating PBMs.

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Parker, Smith & Feek is and independent, employee owned, full service insurance broker offering employee benefits, commercial and personal insurance, and surety solutions. Our Employee Benefits Department has been helping clients create and administer valuable benefits programs since 1975.

Visit Parker, Smith & Feek's website to learn more about our services.