Employee Benefits Updates provided by Parker, Smith & Feek

Understanding the Basics of Pay Transparency in 2023

The tight labor market has led employees to make new demands. One of the newest expectations of employers is pay transparency. Despite many employers’ reluctance to embrace pay transparency—because pay transparency can reveal unintended pay gaps and trigger questions from current employees—the practice has gained a stronger foothold in 2023.

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Ensuring Your Remote Workers Stay Cyber Secure

Our current work environment presents new cybersecurity challenges for businesses. With one-half to two-thirds of U.S. employees working remotely in some capacity, many employees are not connected to a closed office system or encrypted database. Consequently, businesses are at greater risk of data breaches and cyber disasters than ever before.

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Boosting Employee Morale After Layoffs

In a time of looming recession, market inflation, and falling stock prices, mass layoffs at your organization could be on the horizon. It’s a tough time for HR leaders who may be involved in these decisions and delivering the unfortunate news.

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Parker, Smith & Feek is and independent, employee owned, full service insurance broker offering employee benefits, commercial and personal insurance, and surety solutions. Our Employee Benefits Department has been helping clients create and administer valuable benefits programs since 1975.

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